How to apply for KUCCPS courses & requirements for 2025

The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Services (KUCCPS) is the central placement body for courses in Kenya, available at certificate, diploma, and degree levels of study in public TVET institutions, colleges, and universities.

Course applications submitted through KUCCPS guarantee government education funding once you are placed in one of your preferred course usually your first option. Through the portal, you can apply for any course, in any institution provided you meet the entry requirements.

In this article, we will guide you on how to apply for KUCCPS courses depending on your KCSE performance. Every student is encouraged to apply. There is a course for every grade.

Note that the application portal is currently open for KMTC and TVET courses applications. Applications for university and Teacher training colleges are expected to open anytime from 15th February 2025.

KUCCPS courses requirements

The following are the overall grade requirements for courses available in the KUPPS portal

  1. Degree courses – At least C plus or above.
  2. Diploma courses – At least C minus or above (Some diploma courses require at least C plain. A diploma in education requires a mean grade of at least C plus).
  3. Craft/Certificate courses – At least D plain or above in KCSE.
  4. Artisan courses – At least E in KCSE or above.

How to apply for courses through the KUCCPS portal 2025

You can submit your course application through the following process. Feel free to download this KUCCPs application guide for your reference.

  1. Visit the KUCCPS application portal through the provided link.
  2. To log in, Enter your KCSE index number, KCSE year, and under password, enter your KCPE index number, or your birth certificate number and click login.
  3. Go to programmes.
  4. Browse the catalogue of courses available in the portal and the institutions offering them. Note that every institution has a unique code for each course.
  5. Note down the course codes. You will need them while submitting your application.
  6. Go to applications/revision and enter the course codes for your preferred courses.
  7. For a degree, you can apply up to four courses. Your first option must be one course in three different universities. i.e You can apply for a bachelor of education at (1a)Rongo Univerisity, (1b)Kenyatta University, or (1c)The University of Nairobi. For options 2, 3, and 4 you can enter other courses in your preferred institutions.
  8. Procedure seven also applies to diploma and certificate courses. It’s advisable to order courses based on preference. Start from your most preferred to least preferred since you are likely to be placed for your first choice.
  9. Verify your course entries and click submit. You will be prompted to pay an application fee.

Application charges

Before submitting your application, it’s mandatory to pay an application fee of Ksh Ksh 1, 500.

To make your payment, click on the “Click here to pay” pop-up button. if you have already made your payment, enter your e-citizen reference code otherwise, click on the provided link to be redirected to the Ecitizen portal payment portal.

Follow the prompts and note down your payment reference code which you will need to complete your application.

KUCCPS Application timelines and results

Kuccps has three application timelines i.e.

  1. First application/revision.
  2. Second revision.
  3. Inter-university transfer.

The first application for every KCSE candidate who sat for the national exams between the years 2000 and 2024. Once the application cycle is complete, KUCCPS places applicants in their preferred courses and institutions but the placement results are not released until the end of the courses revision cycle.

Since some applicants will not be successful during the first application cycle, KUCCPS opens the portal again for course revision. Only students who are not placed in the first application cycle will be eligible for course revision.

Once course revision ends, placement results for both application cycles are released after a short period. After placement results are out, the portal opens again for inter-institutional transfers. This is for placed students who would like to transfer from the placed institution to another or change a course.

Open applications

The KUCCPS portal is currently open for KMTC and TVET course applications. The deadline will be on 14th February 2025. The portal will open again for Degrees, Diplomas in primary teacher education, and Early Childhood development applications.

Important notes

  1. KUCCPS can only place you once. If it’s not possible to join the institution you were placed in, you are advised to visit the school and defer your studies. Otherwise, you might lose the opportunity.
  2. Due to the high number of applications submitted during the first application window, the portal tends to lag. It’s advisable to try submitting your application at night when few people are trying to access the portal.
  3. If your application is not successful, No worries, you are welcome to apply in the next application window.
  4. KUCCPS applications for degree courses are open once a year few weeks after the release of KCSE results. For Diploma courses and KMTC courses, applications are open at least twice a year.

Course Application

You can apply for the course through the KUCCPS portal the application. Successful Applications submitted through KUCCPS guarantee government education funding and HELB. We will notify you when the portal opens for applications.

Note: KMTC applications for the March 2025 intake closed on 14th February 2025.

Successful applications submitted to private institutions are not eligible for government education funding.

Follow our guide on KUCCPS application process.

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  1. Once I apply for a diploma course when will be the intake that is if I apply now through the kuccps window.Can I join in september please?

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